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General Rules

Some general rules for KOMODO inputs:

  1. Input deck is in free-format form with maximum 200 columns
  2. Comments are marked by !. Example:
    0.20574  0.00654  0.00415  0.00415  1.0  0.0  0.01462  !Group 1
    0.68866  0.04850  0.06099  0.06099  0.0  0.0  0.00000  !Group 2
  3. KOMODO input is modular, where it is split into several cards. Cards’ keywords shall be uppercase and marked by %. Example:
    %MODE    ! Calculation mode card
    %XSEC    ! Cross section card                                                                                                                                  
    2 4      ! Number of groups and number of materials
    %GEOM    ! Geometry card
    12 12 2  !nx, ny, nz
  4. Numbers can be repeated using * mark. For example
    10.0 8*20.0  !This line is equivalent to  10.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0
  5. If you have identical cards for several inputs, it is a good idea to place those cards in separated card files. In the main inputs, you just need to put location of the card files. For example, all cases in NEACRP benchmark have identical cross section data; hence we may place %XSEC card in a separated named neacrp_xsec which has the following content
    2  11    ! Number of groups and number of materials
    !  sigtr        siga        nu*sigf     kappa*sigf  chi sigs_g1 sigs_g2
    5.32058E-02  3.73279E-04  0.00000E+00  0.00000E+00  1.0  0.0  2.64554E-02
    3.86406E-01  1.77215E-02  0.00000E+00  0.00000E+00  0.0  0.0  0.00000E+00  !COMP 1
    2.21878E-01  9.71937E-03  6.11444E-03  7.60778E-14  1.0  0.0  1.66175E-02
    7.64704E-01  8.85488E-02  1.12635E-01  1.47876E-12  0.0  0.0  0.00000E+00  !COMP 11

In the main input, we may refer to the neacrp_xsec file by telling KOMODO the location of neacrp_xsec preceded by FILE keyword

FILE /home/imronuke/KOMODO/smpl/static/NEACRP/neacrp_xsec

Card Description

KOMODO has several input cards. Card is a keyword marked with %. Each card can be placed arbitrarily in the input deck. Two cards are mandatory for any problems, while the rest are optional and conditional depend on the nature problem being solved. The description of input for each card is explained in this subsection. Following table lists all cards used in KOMODO. You can click each card to get their description

No. Cards Description Remark
1. %MODE Calculation mode Mandatory
2. %GEOM Geometry of the problem Mandatory
3. %XSEC Cross Sections Conditional
4. %CASE Problem case Optional
5. %ESRC Extra source Conditional
6. %ITER Iteration Control Optional
7. %PRNT Output print control Optional
8. %ADF Assembly Discontinuity Factor Optional
9. %CROD Control rods Conditional
10. %EJCT Control rods ejection and/or insertion Conditional
11. %FTEM Fuel temperature input card Conditional
12. %MTEM Moderator/Coolant temperature input card Conditional
13. %CDEN Coolant density input card Conditional
14. %BCON Boron concentration input card Conditional
15. %CBCS Critical boron concentration input card Conditional
16. %THER TH input card Conditional
17. %XTAB XSEC library for branch calculations Conditional
18. %KERN Nodal kernel options Optional
19. %EXTR Exponential flux transformation option card for transient problem Optional
20. %THET Used to set theta value for transient problem Optional
21. %OUTP Used to produce detailed 3D power Optional
22. %VTK Used to generate a vtk file for visualization Optional